Dental fees are based on the complexity of your dental treatment and the time and materials involved.  We use the Australian Dental Association’s Schedule of Dental Services to describe and itemise procedures.

Prior to treatment we will provide you with a quote, and if required, the relevant item numbers. You can check with your health fund directly to determine your level of rebate. This practice will correctly itemise all treatment procedures carried out for you. However health funds apply their own payment rules and we cannot be responsible for how your health fund will deal with these item numbers.

HICAPS is available to claim your refund at the time of payment, so please bring your health fund card to each appointment.

We do not issue accounts and we request payment after each visit. We have EFTPOS/ credit card facilities for your convenience, and also accept cheques and cash. 



Appointment times are scheduled to allow us sufficient time to undertake your treatment. Initially consultation appointments are made so you can be assessed and a treatment plan formulated and explained to you. To ensure your appointment preferences can be met, we generally pre-book your ongoing recall appointments at each visit.

If you’d like an appointment sooner than we have available, please let our receptionists know. We will endeavour to find you a suitable appointment time as any become available.

As your time, like ours, is valuable and to ensure you are able to attend your appointment we will contact you in advance to confirm the time. This is usually done by SMS 2 days prior to the appointment or if this is not possible via a phone call. For periodontal appointments booked months in advance, we will also make contact via email or post around 3 weeks prior as a reminder of your upcoming visit.

We appreciate you advising us as soon as possible if your appointment time is no longer convenient.

Please note that a fee may be charged for a missed appointment or late cancellation. 


Our privacy policy is available on this website and from our reception staff.

Our preferred methods of communication with your health practitioners are via email or regular Australia Post. Please advise our reception staff if you wish to use an alternate method.